The Australian Government, in collaboration with states and territories, is developing a VET Workforce Blueprint to support, grow and sustain the VET workforce. The Blueprint will identify strategies and actions for workforce issues such as attraction, retention, development, and career progression.
Over the past few months, dandolopartners has been working with the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (the Department) to support consultation with a range of stakeholders, which has included roundtables in each state and territory and online.
The Department is undertaking consultation to provide an opportunity for stakeholders to contribute to the development of the VET Workforce Blueprint and to:
- test current understanding of the challenges faced by the VET workforce
- identify whether potential actions will result in effective change
- garner additional potential actions
As part of this consultation process, the Department is inviting further engagement through a public submissions process and a survey of those who have left the workforce in the last five years. Contributions will help to inform the development of the Blueprint.
You can participate in the public submissions process and survey by visiting the Department’s website.
The consultation is open until 11:00PM (AEDT), 26 March 2024.